Make sure your flight controller is properly connected to the computer before proceeding with the following steps.

  1. Open the Betaflight Configurator software on your computer.

    Installing Betaflight Configurator: Step-by-Step

  2. Connect your flight controller to the computer using a USB cable.

  3. Open the Betaflight Configurator software on your computer.

  4. After connecting the flight controller, the software should automatically establish a connection with the flight controller. If the connection is not established successfully, try manually selecting the correct COM port to connect.

  5. Once connected, go to the Setup tab as default.

  6. Make sure your flight controller is placed on a level surface and click on the “Calibrate Accelerometer” button.


  7. The calibration process will begin, during the calibration process, it’s essential to keep the flight controller stationary and not disturb it.

  8. After calibration is completed, the software will display the message “Accelerometer calibration finished”.


  9. You can click on the ”Calibrate Accelerometer“ again to perform multiple calibration attempts to ensure accuracy if desired.

  10. Finally, remember to click on the ‘Save and Reboot’ button in the top right corner to save the changes to your flight controller

After completing these steps, your flight controller accelerometer should be recalibrated and ready for use.